How to book the Wedding Fireworks

A Step-by-Step Guide to Booking Wedding Fireworks

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Wedding fireworks are a great way to add even more excitement to your big day.

When you start looking into organising wedding fireworks, you will discover a world of possibilities and options.

This guide will help you get the fireworks display you want at your wedding.

Step 1: Check with Your Venue

First, you must make sure your chosen wedding venue allows fireworks. Most venues are, although they might ask you to use a fireworks specialist rather than holding the display yourself.

Sort out these possible restrictions and any other do’s and don’ts as early as possible.

If you haven’t booked a venue yet and you want to have fireworks, always ask about the venue’s policy when visiting potential wedding venues!

Step 2: Choose Between Doing it Yourself or a Professional Display

You don’t necessarily have to book a professional fireworks company in order to get an amazing display. Depending on the venue and the wedding fireworks display you have in mind, you could do it yourself. This means buying your fireworks from a retailer and holding your own show.

You wouldn’t be completely alone either. Fireworks retailers will be able to provide you with a layout for your fireworks and a remote ignition kit to ensure you can easily set off your own fireworks and take care of your display.

There are pros and cons to both options. While a larger display can be easier to organise with the help of professionals, you could always use individual fireworks for an added effect on your own. At the same time, you should remember that a professional company will be able to use bigger and louder fireworks that aren’t available to individual consumers.

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas for Your Wedding Fireworks

Before you start shopping for your wedding fireworks, take some time to think about how you want to use fireworks or what you want your display to look like. A huge variety of fireworks are available, from indoor or low noise fireworks to those that will blow your guests away like big rockets, cakes, or mines.

YouTube is a great source of inspiration to get an idea of the kind of fireworks you want at your wedding. You will find it much easier to plan a display when you have an idea of what you want.

Step 4: Set a Budget

As with all aspects of wedding planning, it’s a good idea to approach your fireworks display with a rough idea of how much you want to spend. When you have a budget, you (should!) ensure you don’t overspend or waste time talking to fireworks sellers that can only provide fireworks or a display outside of your budget range.

Step 5: Talk to Fireworks Specialists

If you are opting for a professional fireworks company to take care of your display, take the time to talk to them prior to booking. This allows you to get to know them and to make sure they understand what you want from your display. A good professional will listen to you, give your ideas and suggestions, and be genuinely interested in making your wedding day better for both of you and your guests.

Make sure you talk to fireworks retailers if you’re just looking to buy fireworks for your wedding, too. Specialist firework retailers will give you tips and advice on everything from storing to setting up the fireworks.

Step 6: Take Your Pick and Enjoy the Show

Once you’ve followed the first five steps, you’ll be ready to book your wedding fireworks. Make sure you have a plan B, too. You’ll usually be able to use fireworks in all but the most extreme weather conditions, but make sure you have something in place so you aren’t left anything in case you can’t have the display.

Now, fireworks taken care of! So you can continue with your wedding planning, knowing that you have one aspect of your entertainment sorted!

And, don’t forget to enjoy the show!

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